ALERT XL 70MESE air terminal
Lightning is one of the most spectacular
meteorological phenomena. Generated
by the interaction of clouds elements
(water and ice), it can kill, injure and
damage. The unique efficiency of the
ALERTXL Early streamer emission is based
on the difference (ΔT), measured in a
laboratory, in between the emission
time of the ALERT XL 70ESE and the one from a
simple rod. The ALERT XL 70MESE air terminal is
composed of a striking point connected
to a down conductor to conduct the
lightning to the ground
Upward streamer and downward leader meeting point without ESE terminal
During a storm the ambient electric field
may rise from 600 V to 10-20 kV/m.
When the electric field reach this level
representing a minimum risk for a lightning,
the ALERT XL 70MESE begins to get activated and
generates high voltage pulses, helping to
create and propagating an upward leader.
After a strike on the ALERT XL 70MESE, the lightning
current is driven to ground by the down
conductor to the earth termination system
Upward streamer and downward leader meeting point with ESE terminal